How To Choose a Harness For Your Dog

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Benefits of Using a Harness

Using a body harness to walk your dog is a great way to gain better control safely. Dogs who tend to pull on walks often benefit from using a harness since it does not pull on the dog’s neck, causing them to cough. Additionally, harnesses are safer than the traditional collars if your dog tends to lunge at other dogs, people, or wildlife like squirrels and rabbits.

It isn’t just about your dog coughing either; permanent damage is also possible depending on how hard your dog tugs. For example, dogs who excessively pull or have their collars jerked can damage their thyroid or salutatory glands.

Plus, traditional flat collars can pose a danger to dogs even when not attached to a leash. Some dogs have been known to get their collar caught on low branches or fences, strangling themselves. Other dogs have had issues when playing with other dogs. If the collar gets caught in the other dog’s mouth, the dog wearing the collar could strangle, and the dog with its lower jaw caught could break its jaw.

Finally, if you happen to have an older dog, harnesses are an excellent way to help your dog stand up, go up the stairs, and help guide them as needed.

What to Look for in a Dog Harness?

Though dog harnesses have their safety benefits over choke collars and flat collars, they are not without the potential of causing harm, which is why it is vital to choose the correct one for your dog.

Some harness types are better than others for specific situations, especially for dogs with trachea issues.

In addition to health issues, there are other various factors to consider, such as:

  • Purpose – There are a variety of different harnesses designed for various purposes, such as:

    • Safety harness for the car

    • Assist harnesses in aiding your dog's mobility

    • Training harness to help control your dog on walks

  • Secure – Ensuring you choose a secure harness that can handle your dog's size and energy level is key to their safety.

  • Comfort – Harnesses come in several styles and materials. Some are made for walking and training, whereas other harnesses are comfortable enough to wear all the time.

  • Right Size – Choosing the proper size is essential to their safety and comfort. Many dog owners do not realize that if the harness is too large, the dog can easily back out of it.

  • Durable – Some harnesses have fashion more in mind and are great for dogs that aren't going to be too hard on the harness. However, dogs like mine who wrestle, camp, and hike tend to be harder on their harnesses.

  • Right Material – Choosing the right material is vital for comfort, safety, and durability.

Body harnesses can be very helpful for controlling and training your dog safely. However, it is important to note that not all harnesses work or fit the same, making it essential to choose the correct one for your dog.

In addition to how you plan to use the harness, whether for training, working, or hiking, it is vital to find one that will fit comfortably and possess reliable safety features such as reinforced handles, rings, and reflective material.

If you are still unsure which harness is best for your dog, we encourage you to contact your vet or trainer for assistance.

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